Are the symptoms of heart attack different in women and men? Know the correct answer here

Heart attack is a serious condition and it is very important to recognize it. Interestingly, the symptoms of heart attack can be different in women and men. With the right information and timely treatment, lives can be saved. Let’s know how the symptoms of heart attack differ in women and men.

The rates of heart attack are different in men and women. "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)" According to the WHO, the rate of heart attack in men aged 45 to 64 years is 7.4%. Whereas, the rate of heart attack in women of the same age is 5.7%. These figures show that men are at a higher risk of heart attack. However, this risk is also significant in women. Therefore, both sexes need to recognize the symptoms of heart attack and get timely treatment so that they can avoid this serious condition.

Symptoms of heart attack in men

  • Chest pain or pressure: The most common symptom in men is feeling of severe pain or heaviness in the chest. This pain may also spread to the left arm, neck, or jaw.
  • Shortness of breath: Men may have difficulty breathing during a heart attack.
  • Sweating: Sudden cold sweats can also be a sign of a heart attack.
  • Nausea and vomiting: Some men may also experience nausea and vomiting during a heart attack.

Symptoms of heart attack in women

  • Unusual fatigue: A common symptom of heart attack in women can be extreme fatigue, which occurs without any reason.
  • Sleep problems: Women may have difficulty sleeping before a heart attack.
  • Chest pain: Women also experience chest pain, but it is not always in the center of the chest. This pain can occur in any part of the chest.
  • Pain in the throat or jaw: Pain in the throat or jaw in women can also be a sign of heart attack.
  • Pain in the stomach: Problems like stomach ache or indigestion can also be a symptom of heart attack in women.

Difference in symptoms of women and men
The biggest difference between the symptoms of heart attack in women and men is that the symptoms of women are often subtle and unusual. Women often ignore their symptoms, which leads to lack of timely treatment. Symptoms in men are more pronounced, which makes early identification and treatment possible.

What to do?
If you or a loved one feels symptoms of a heart attack, contact a doctor immediately or call an ambulance. Timely treatment can save lives. Heart attack can be prevented with the right information and timely treatment. Take care of your health and do not ignore any symptoms. 


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