Not only cold, heels start cracking due to lack of these 3 vitamins, get checked by a doctor immediately

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treatment of cracked heels

Cracked heels look like blemishes on beauty. Due to increased dryness in winter, people’s hands, feet and heels crack, but some people have the problem of cracked heels throughout the year. There can be many reasons for cracked heels. Many times, heels start cracking due to dirt, poor skin care routine, dryness and hormonal changes. People whose skin type is very dry have more problems with cracked heels. Cracked heels also cause trouble due to deficiency of some vitamins in the body. Know the reasons for cracked heels and how to fix it.

What are the reasons for cracked heels?

When the skin starts drying and moisture decreases, the skin becomes rough and flaky. Fissures can cause deep cracks that can spread through layers of the skin. The reason for this could also be the deficiency of some vitamins in the body.

Deficiency of these vitamins causes cracked heels

People who are deficient in Vitamin B3, Vitamin E and Vitamin C for a long time have more problems with cracked heels. Due to deficiency of Vitamin C and Vitamin B3 in the body, the skin starts cracking and cracks appear in the skin. Vitamins E and C help in increasing collagen. Both these vitamins take care of the skin. Dryness in the skin also starts due to deficiency of minerals, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids.

Hormone imbalance is also a big reason

If there is imbalance of hormones in the body, then it also affects the skin. People who have thyroid problems or hormones like estrogen get disturbed, their heels also start cracking. Sometimes when the problem becomes serious, cracks appear in the heels and bleeding starts.

treatment of cracked heels

  • If the heels are cracked due to dirt then they can be cleaned by rubbing them. The heels will heal once the dirt is removed.
  • Heel balm can be used to clean cracked heels. This will moisturize the skin.
  • Soak the feet in lukewarm water for 20 minutes, now clean the heels with a pumice stone.
  • Include things rich in zinc in your diet, this will keep the skin healthy and help in its maintenance.
  • Vitamin E heals the skin, for this include nuts and seeds in the diet.
  • To reduce dryness, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C in your diet.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, rotten smell starts coming from your mouth, then adopt these remedies, yellow teeth will also start shining.

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