If you are also feeling too sleepy then understand that you are lacking this vitamin

If you are feeling too sleepy and tired all the time, this could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is very important for our body, as it strengthens our bones and maintains our energy. Apart from this, it also strengthens our immune system.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Excessive sleepiness: If you are feeling tired and sleepy throughout the day, this could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.
  • Bone pain: Vitamin D deficiency can cause bone pain and weakness.
  • Mood changes: Depression and mood swings can also occur due to vitamin D deficiency.
  • Weakness: You may feel weak even while doing normal work.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Lack of sunlight: Our body makes vitamin D from the sun’s rays. If you spend more time indoors, you get less sunlight.
  • Food deficiency: Low intake of vitamin D-rich foods such as fish, eggs, and milk can also cause deficiency.
  • Health problems: Certain health problems such as kidney and liver disease can also cause vitamin D deficiency.

Ways to prevent vitamin D deficiency

  • Spend time in the sun: Spend at least 15-20 minutes in the sun every day. Morning sun is the best.
  • Eat vitamin D foods: Include fish, eggs, milk, and vitamin D diet in your diet. This helps in fulfilling the deficiency of vitamin D, so that you will not feel too sleepy and tired. Also spend some time in the sun every day, so that the body can get enough vitamin D.
  • Take supplements: You can take vitamin D supplements weekly or daily as advised by your doctor. This will help you overcome your vitamin D deficiency. It is important to follow the correct dosage and timing of the supplement. Always take supplements as advised by your doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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